WADEL STABILIZATION, a family-owned and operated, third generation soil stabilization contractor that has been providing innovative soil solutions throughout Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and the greater Midwest for over 40 years. WSI offers a variety of services, including: soil drying, soil stabilization (chemical stabilization), full depth reclamation (FDR), pavement pulverizing, and asphalt milling.
SOIL DRYINGBuilding site soils can become wet and muddy, bringing construction to a halt. The time and money required to remove wet material and import new material is a substantial expense that could be dramatically reduced by modifying in place site soils. WSI can mobilize quickly, drying wet sites in a fraction of the time required for natural drying at a fraction of the cost of undercutting.
SOIL STABILIZATIONStabilization increases the shear and compressive strength of treated base/subbase layers and reduces damage from the freeze/thaw cycle by reducing shrink/swell properties of the treated layer. Stabilized soils produce higher CBR values, increasing the load bearing capacity of a subgrade to the point that it can be incorporated into the structural design of a pavement's cross section, reducing pavement and aggregate base thickness.
FDRFull Depth Reclamation (FDR) is a method to repair, rehabilitate and upgrade failing asphalt pavements. Utilizing in-place roadway materials allows for a significant reduction in cost of construction, eliminating the cost of material removal, trucking, disposal fees, as well as the cost of importing and placing new roadway materials. The FDR process involves the treatment of in-place materials with a stabilizing additive, resulting in the same strength gains, reduction in shrink/swell properties and reduction of pavement thickness as soil stabilization.
ASPHALT MILLINGWhen an asphalt pavement’s deficiencies are primarily surface distresses, milling (also known as cold planning) may offer an effective solution. Asphalt milling is the process of removing part of the surface to a desired depth to place a new layer asphalt. WSI offers asphalt milling services as well as pulverization (mixing of asphalt layer with underlying base/subbase) services throughout Michigan and the greater midwest area.
Dry and strengthen wet site soils on construction sites, roadways, and inside buildings. learn more |
Improve the strength and durability of pavement by stabilizing underlying soils. learn more |
Use full depth reclamation to recycle existing pavement and materials. learn more |
Asphalt milling and cold-planing for asphalt roadways and parking lots. learn more |
Wet or weak soils slowing construction? Wondering how to extend your pavement service life? Need to identify cause of pavement failure? Contact us for a free consultation on your project [email protected] |